Cool Kid Juice — Sunday Funday

It’s official, gang: summer has arrived. That means beach, bikinis and, most importantly, BBQ’s! Yet aren’t you tired of showing up to those Sunday parties with your friends only to see the same old booze options of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir?

3 min readJun 30, 2017


Plus, there’s always that one guy with the “Cab blend from California” who micromanages how much to pour everyone because it costs $60, yet somehow his glass is always topped off. We all hate that guy. But what if you could change all that and generate a whole new level of wine excitement at the table and a brand new buzz (pun intended).

Change is good. So when you add these new wines to the beverage options on Sunday, you just might be the coolest kid in the room. Don’t be surprised when you hear, “Hey, who brought this bottle?”, “It’s SO damn delicious”, or even, “What the hell is a Gewürztraminer?”.

Oh, it’s a good feeling. Lucky for you — ILTG always provides the answers to make sure you’re just as knowledgable as we are about this kinda stuff. With that being said, here’s a few Sunday bangers that will keep you on top of your game:

*Tip: You can purchase all of these wines together for under $50……….and you’re welcome!

Chateau Ste Michelle “Gewurztraminer” — Washington ($10)

This wine is spicy, floral, yet really elegant and different. Stunning acidity and awesome with dumplings (if you’re into that kind of thing). Gewürztraminer is the grape and sexy-smooth is her flavor. Forget Pinot Gris or Riesling. This is the red-headed stepchild of wines and everybody loves a redhead. Take a sip!

Indaba, “Chenin Blanc” — Western Cape, South Africa ($10)

Ahh…South Africa. Home to crazy safaris, lions and really yummy wine! Yes, I said it…Chenin Blanc a.k.a. “Steen” is the grape commonly found all over the southern tip of Africa. This basket of apples, pears and kiwi flavors is so damn good you’ll forget you’re partaking in an adult beverage. Sippy cup recommended! #sippycuplifestyle Take a sip!

Domaine des Versauds “Morgon” 2015 — Burgundy, France

Morgon (not to be confused with my ex-girlfriend) is one of ten Cru villages in Beaujolais. These are highly rated towns where the wines go for $80–100! From here I bring you Domaine Des Versauds, a stellar Gamay (that’s the grape) with firm minerality and really cool violet and cherry notes. A great, hip alternative to Burgundy Pinot Noir. Keep it chilled for those hot summer nights when you know it’s going to get spicy!

St Cosme “Cotes du Rhone” 2013- Rhone Valley,France ($15)

100% Syrah! This bad boy is a show stopper. Juicy, spicy, and fresh, this wine is begging for food with bold flavors. Light the grill and call over some peeps. BBQ + Syrah = best damn Sunday ever! Great Cabernet Sauvignon replacement. Don’t forget to wear your big kid pants… Take a sip!

Nicholas Ducos

Your #SommNextDoor: Nicholas Ducos. A graduate of the Culinary Institute of America and a Certified Sommelier, Nicholas has worked in many prestigious restaurants in Miami, Florida. As a chef and as a sommelier, he is dedicated to creating a memorable dining experience and making wine relatable to others in a witty yet refined style. Nicholas is currently traveling the world learning the art of winemaking and plans to create his own label in the near future. Follow Nicholas’s latest adventures through his website and Instagram.

Originally published at on June 30, 2017.




Customer Strategist with a focus on research, customer experiences and service design.